- Acting Head of the Department of Milk and Meat Technology
- Candidate of Technical Sciences
- Email: m.samilyk@ukr.net
- ORCID https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-4826-2080
- ID WebofScience W-2450-2018
- Scholar.google https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=TTgSihcAAAAJ
- Phone 0663786739
- Email: m.samilyk@ukr.net
She was born in 1984 in Sumy, Ukrainian.
- 1999-2003 Sumy technical school of food industry, Specialty: Production of sugar substances, technician-technologist.
- 2003-2005 Sumy National Agrarian University (Sumy) Specialty: Technology of storage, canning and processing of milk, engineer-technologist
- 2004-2007 National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv) Specialty: Technology of sugar substances, specialist in technology of sugar substances
- 2008-2012 National University of Food Technologies (in-service postgraduate studies)
- Specialty: Processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries, Candidate of Technical Sciences (from April 3, 2014)
- Dissertation topic: Increasing the effect of polythermal crystallization of sucrose in crystallizer mixers
- Certificate of fluency in English B2 (2020)
- 2004-2017: Sumy College of Food Industry NUHT, teacher of special disciplines (category “higher”), head of the department of production of sugars and polysaccharides.
- 2013 – 2020: Correspondence Faculty of the National University of Food Technologies in Sumy, Associate Professor (part-time work)
- 2017 – present: Sumy National Agrarian University, Associate Professor of Milk and Meat Technology.
Scientific work: Areas of research: Innovative technological solutions in food production. Development of functional dairy products. Articles in the Scopus database
- 1. Samilyk M. Influence of the structure of some types of fillers introduced to the yogurt recipe on changes in its rheological indicators / M.Samilyk, A.Helikh, T.Ryzhkova, N. Bolgova, Y.Nazarenko // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2/11 (104) 2020. – 46-51 pp. ISSN 1729-3774.
- 2. Samilyk M. The application of osmotic dehydration in the technology of producing candied root vegetables / M. Samilyk, A. Helikh, N. Bolgova, V. Potapov, S. Sabadash // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies. – 2020. – № 3 (11). – P. 13-20. – Access mode: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2020_3(11)__3.
- 3. Samilyk, M., Lukash, S., Bolgova, N., Helikh, A., Maslak, N., Maslak, O. Advances in Food Processing based on Sustainable Bioeconomy. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], V.11, n.5, p.1105-1113, aug.2020.ISSN2068 7729.URL: https: //journals.aserspublishing.eu / jemt / article / view / 5461. doi: https://doi.org/10.14505//jemt.v11.5(45).08.
Articles in foreign publications of EU countries
- 4. Samilyk M. Substantiation of the choice of fillers for cottage cheese mass / Marina Samilyk, Anna Helikh, Natalia Bolgova, Taisia Ryzhkova, Igor Sirenko, Oleg Fesyun // EUREKA: Life Sciences. Vol. 3: 2020. P.38-45.
- 5. Samilyk M. Influence of activated coal on chadder cheese quality indicators / Marina Samilyk, Anna Helikh, Natalia Bolgova, Iryna Yaremenko // EUREKA: Life Sciences. Vol. 3: 2020. P.48-56. Articles in the domestic professional journal
- 6. Samilik MM Prospects for the use of candied beets in the production of yogurts / MM Samilyk., Yu. V. Rasamakina // Scientific journal “Scientific notes of the Tavriya National University. Vernadsky. Series: Technical Sciences. – 2019. – V. 30 (69), № 3. – P. 97-102.
- 7. Samilik MM Prospects for the production of sour milk drink enriched with sesame flour / MM Samilyk, Jing Xuanxuan, SS Ivchenko // Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade series “Technical Sciences”. – 2019. – 1 (91). – P. 54-61.
- 8. Samilik MM Improving the technology of soft sour milk cheese by increasing the biological value / Scientific Bulletin of LNUVMB named after SZ Gzhytsky. – Lviv, vol. 19, № 80. – 2017. – P 33-37.
- 9. Samilik MM Influence of temperature of sugar massecuite of the last degree of crystallization on rheological properties of intercrystalline solution / Scientific works of the National University of Food Technologies. Vol. 24, № 5 / National University of Food Technologies. – К.: НУХТ, 2018.- 109 – 114 с.
- 10. Samilik MM Improved method of obtaining low purity molasses to increase the effect of crystallization of sucrose / Food resources. – 2018. – № 11. – P. 148-154 Abstracts of the report, the materials of which are indexed in Scopus
- 11. Maryna M. Samilyk. Radiomodifying Effect of X-Ray Radiation on Microflora of Yogurts with Ultradisperse Powders of Beta vulgaris / Anna O. Gelih, Oksana V. Kalinkevich, Natalia V. Bolgova, Igor V. Shelest, Yana V. Trofimenko, Yevgen Zinchenko, Vadim Chivanov, Aleksei Kalinkevich // IEEE International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (NAP-2020) Sumy, Ukraine, 9-13 Nov. 2020
Abstracts of reports of international conferences
- 12. Samilik MM Methods of intensification of sugar crystallization process as a means of obtaining quality raw materials for food production // Collection of abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists “Innovative directions of development, education, services and technologies” – Lutsk: VokNUHT. 2016 – p. 104-107.
- 13. Samilik MM Influence of temperature of sugar massecuite of the last degree of crystallization on rheological properties of intercrystalline solution // Proceedings of the VII International scientific and technical conference “Scientific problems of food technologies and industrial biotechnology in the context of European integration” (November 6-7, 2018). – Kyiv, NUHT, 2018. – P. 93-95.
- 14. Samilik MM Improved method of obtaining low-purity molasses to increase the effect of sucrose crystallization // Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Innovative Development of the Food Industry” (November 20, 2018). – Kyiv, Institute of Food Resources NAAS, 2018.
- 15. Mironchuk VG, Innovations of polythermal crystallization of sucrose / Mironchuk VG, Dudko DD, Samilyk MM // Materials of the 85th sciences. conf. young scientists, graduate students and students [“Scientific achievements of youth – solving the problems of human nutrition in the XXI century] (April 11-12, 2019) – Part 2 – Kyiv. NUHT, 2019. – P.92.
- 16. Samilik MM Rationale for the use of sesame flour in the production of kefir / Scientific problems of food technology and industrial biotechnology in the context of European integration: Program and abstracts of the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference, November 5-6, 2019, Kyiv. – К .: НУХТ, 2019. – С.299-301.
- 17. Samilik MM Creation of functional sour milk products / International scientific and practical conference “Technical sciences: history, the present time, the future, EU experience” Wloclawek, Republic of Poland, September 27-28, 2019. Wloclawek: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Pudlishing”, 2019. P .118-121.
- 18. Samilyk M. Prospects for the use of carrotin candieds in the production of cheese mass / Samilyk M., Zarubina M. // International scientific and practical conference “Science, engineering and technology: global and current trends” Prague, The Czech Republic, Desember 27-28, 2019. P. 90-92.
- 19. Samilik MM Dependence of ecological safety of the region on efficient use of natural resources / Samilyk MM, Tsyomka NV // The 5th International scientific and practical conference ―Eurasian scientific congress‖ (May 17-19, 2020) Barca Academy Publishing, Barcelona, Spain. 2020. P. 30-32. ISBN 978-84-15927-31-0.
- 1. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model “Method of crystallization of sugar massecuite of the last degree of crystallization” №80292. Publ. 27.05.2013, bul. № 10.
- 2. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model “Heat exchanger for sugar massecuite” №88067. Publ. 25.02.2014, bul. № 4.
- 3. Patent of Ukraine for the utility model “Yogurt with candied beets” №88067. Publ. 25.06.2020, bul. № 12.
- 1. Milk A2 whole. Specifications. TU U 01.4-04718013-001: 2020
- 2. Drinking cow’s milk A2. Specifications. TU U 10.5-04718013-003: 2020
- 3. Yogurts A2. Specifications. TU U 10.5-04718013-004: 2020
- 4. Soft cheeses A2. Specifications. TU U 10.5-04718013-005: 2020
Postgraduate guidance Jing Xuanxuan, “Increasing the nutritional value of fermented milk beverages by introducing into their composition vegetable raw materials containing dietary fiber”
Guide the scientific work of students
- 1. Cirulik RV “Scientific and practical justification of the feasibility of using candied beets in yogurts” (II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, 2019);
- 2. Tsomka NV “Introduction of waste-free technologies of vegetable processing as a factor in reducing the negative impact on the climatic conditions of Sumy region” (All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works “Innovative technologies for adaptation of industrial regions to climate change”)
Certification training:
- 1. Scientific program (180 hours) “Innovative technologies in food production”, funded by TIME Realities UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) in Schweinfurt, Germany, “Study of the use of vegetable raw materials in the production of dairy products”, 01.02.-26.02.2019 .
- 2. International scientific and practical conference «Technical sciences: histori, the present time, the future, EU experience» Wloclawek, Republic of Poland, Wloclawek, September 27-28, 2019.
- 3. International scientific and practical conference “Science, engineering and technology: global and current trends” Prague, The Czech Republic, December 27-28, 2019.
- 4. Short-term program of advanced training “Ensuring the quality of higher education”, CPKPUKPS SNAU from 06.04-10.04.2020.
- 5. Seminar-training “Fundraising. Writing projects. Successful cases “. SNAU, October 6-7, 2020.