Associate Professor of the Department of Food Technology
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
E-mail: tetiana.stepanova@snau.edu.ua
- She was born on October 12, 1980 in the city of Romny, Sumy region
- 1997-2002 – studies at the Kharkiv State Academy of Food Technology and Organization, specialty "Food Technology", diploma with honors.
- 2002-2003 – studies at the Higher School of Entrepreneurship of the Kharkiv State Academy of Food Technology and Organization, specialty "Commodity science and expertise in customs affairs".
- 2007-2011 – studying at the postgraduate school of the Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade, specialty "Technology of food products".
- 2020-2022 – studies at the National University of Food Technologies, specialty "Hotel and restaurant business", master's degree with honors.
- Since 2003, she worked as a teacher at the Sumy Cooperative Technical School.
- Since 2007, she has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer at the department of meat and meat products technology.
- Since 2010, she has worked as a senior teacher, associate professor of the Department of Food Technology.
- 2017 – defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the specialty 05.18.16 – food technology on the topic "Technology of fruit and berry jelly based on jelly semi-finished products".
- Main educational disciplines:
- "Organization of catering in enterprises of the tourism industry",
- "Designing of enterprises of the restaurant industry",
- "Management of the quality of food products" (in Ukrainian and English),
- "Modern achievements of food science" (in Ukrainian and English),
- "Innovative food ingredients in food production technologies" (in Ukrainian and English).
- Direction of scientific research: Development of technologies of new food products for medical and preventive purposes.
- Grant, state budget and economic contract subject: No. 0113U0042 "Technology development of new food products for medical and preventive purposes"
- Advanced training (internship): Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade. Topic: "Modern requirements for teaching disciplines in the restaurant industry"
- Other information: Deputy Dean for Academic Work and Accreditation of the Faculty of Food Technologies.