PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Food Technology and Safety
E-mail: anna.helikh@snau.edu.ua/gelihsumy@gmail.com
Researcher ID: V-7155-2018
ORCID: 0000-0003-3769-1231
Scopus ID: 57190441268
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=b8M2VhcAAAAJ
- In 2012 finished National university food technologies and gained qualification Master 's degree in "Food Technology".
- In 2013 finished Sumy national agrarian university and obtained qualification Master 's degree in "Accounting and Auditing".
- In the period 2014-2018 studied in graduate school Kharkiv State University food and trade, specialty 05.18.16 - technology food products.
- In 2019 protected candidate dissertation in a specialized scientist glad D 64.088.01 at Kharkiv State University food and trade Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine by specialty 05.18.16 - technology food products on the topic "Technology of semi-finished product from freshwater mussel’s and culinary products using it".
- Since 2020 Associate professor of the department technology and food safety Sumy NAU.
- Basic training disciplines: information technology and optimization technical and technological objects processing field in scientific research, biochemistry.
- Direction of scientific research:
- ‑ food sustainability of the population, which consists in the use of organic, local and seasonal food products;
- ‑ technology of innovative semi-finished products from vegetables, animal husbandry and aquaculture products;
- ‑ dietary food and culinary products based on innovative semi-finished products:
- - minced meat products, sausage products, fermented dried sausages;
- - confectionery, biscuits, cookies;
- - dairy products, yogurts;
- - preserved products, canned food;
- - dual purpose products.
- Has 64 scientific works to reflect the results of scientific research, including:
- ‑ 33 articles in professional publications included in international scientometric databases;
- ‑ 12 in periodicals included in the international scientometric database Scopus;
- ‑ 6 in periodicals included in the international scientometric database Web of Science (SCI);
- ‑ 2 monographs;
- ‑ 14 Ukrainian patents for utility models;
- ‑ 1 invention patent of Ukraine;
- ‑ 5 TS (technical specifications of Ukraine).
- Has a B2 English proficiency certificate (№000522016, April 2019).
- State budget and economic contract topics:
- SB "Development of technical documentation for dual purpose protein raw materials", 0122U201388, 2022-2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- SB "Development of technical documentation for semi-finished products from vegetable raw materials with increased biological value for dual purposes", 0122U201635, 2022-2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- SB "Development of technical documentation for a semi-finished product from vegetable raw materials for dual-use minced meat products", 0122U202024, 2022-2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- SB "Innovative technological solutions in food production", №0119U101237, 2019-2024, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- SB "Technology semi-finished product from mollusks freshwater and culinary products from it use 2015-2017, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- SB "Comprehensive and waste‑free processing aquatic organisms freshwater reservoirs", 2016-2018, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- ECT "Consulting on the development of technical documentation for a new type of raw material"
- ECT "Creation of conditions for the organization of safe food in educational institutions of the Nikolaev village"
- ECT "Consulting and support of mechanisms of development of the Nikolaev territorial community within the limits of implementation of strategy of regional development of the Sumy region for 2021-2027"
- ECT "Development of a four-week seasonal menu in accordance with the new diet"