Associate professor of engineering technology of food production
PhD, Associate Professor
Mail-E: rozhkova_lg@ukr.net
ID Web of Science W-4188-2018
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1068-8959
ID Scopus
Scholar.google https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&authuser=1&user=c0VoAUIAAAAJ
Born June 1, 1946 in c.Olhovatka Belgorod region.
1964-1970 - graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute on specialty "Machines and apparatus for chemical production."
1971-1976 - engineer, lead designer UralVNDIHidromash branch.
1976-1982 - Engineer - Designer 2 сat., а leading designer ON "Atommash."
1983- 2006 - senior researcher Department fluid mechanics of SSU
31.03.2005 - defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty "Hydraulic machines and hydraulic and pneumatic" on "New forms of vertical profiles of the blades - axial wind turbines average rapidity";
Since 2006 - assistant professor of engineering technology of food production;
2013 - received the academic rank of assistant professor of engineering technology of food production.
Main educational disciplines: " Thermotechnics", "Processes and equipment of food production", "Heat and energy supply of the industry", "Refrigerating machines and equipment."
Field of research: energy efficiency in the food industry, renewable and alternative energy sources, wind power.
Executed Scientific research work on the topic: Renewable energy sources. Wind power.,State registration number 0112 U 002696. Has 70 scientific and educational works, including:
- 23 research articles in professional journals included in the list, approval Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- 1 article in the scientific professional edition of Ukraine, which is included in international scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Russian Index of Scientific Citation (RINC), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, DRIVER, Academic Search Engine (BASE), World Cat, Electronics Journals Library, DOAJ, EBSCO, ResearcliBib, American Chemical Society in 2012;
- 10 patents for inventions.
Training (internships):National Agriculture University of Ukraine the Institute of Postgraduate Education. Certificate. Subject: Implementation of modern advanced learning technologies in teaching disciplines.
Other information: Chair engineering technology of food production. Experience science - pedagogical work in higher education lll - lV accreditation level 35.