- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
- Academician of the National Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine.
- Professor National University of Humanities and technology, Hunan, China
- Professor emeritus at the Henan Institute of Science and Technology, China
- Scientist in the field of fundamental and Applied Research in the field of food technologies, food quality and safety, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Chemistry and nutrition. Professor Igor Mazurenko, together with colleagues and students, deals with the problems of proper healthy nutrition. The main research interests are the creation of technologies and an assortment of functional products for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of children with diseases of internal organs, the creation of an assortment of products for nursing mothers and special products for athletes. In parallel, a study is being conducted on the creation and implementation of rapid methods for studying the quality and safety indicators of raw materials and food products.
- As a result of the conducted research, technologies and a range of general-purpose products, functional products for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of children with diabetes, tuberculosis, as well as functional food products for Infectious Diseases of internal organs were introduced at the enterprises of the food industry. More than 200 state standards of Ukraine for food production, methods for determining the quality and safety indicators of agricultural products, as well as 52 ISO and EN regulatory documents for determining methods in the food industry, which are harmonized with the standards of the European union, have been implemented.
- Under the scientific guidance of Professor Igor Mazurenko, 4 Doctors of Philosophy were trained in the field of food technology. Students received a PhD, two doctors are Chinese citizens
- Igor Mazurenko is the author of 8 patents for the invention. Together with scientists and students, he is the author of about 300 scientific papers, including 12 monographs, which are presented in Ukrainian, English and Chinese, 14 articles that are indexed in the scientometric database Scopus.
- For conscientious work, Professor Igor Mazurenko was awarded state awards – badge «For services to the state», Labor badge «Badge of Honor», – Certificate of Honor-High-Level Talent, category А, Hunan province, China. Winner of the national scientific talent competition of China.