Senior Lecturer in the Food Technology Department
Candidate of Technical Sciences
e-mail: dmytro.bidiuk@gmail.com, xbach@ukr.net
Research ID
ORSID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3290-703X
Scopus ID
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=Na5cwtwAAAAJ&hl=ru
Born December 6, 1985 in Kharkiv, Ukraine
2002-2007 - study at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade, specialty "Food Technology", diploma with honors
2007-2010 - Postgraduate study at Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade, specialty "Food Technology"
2010-2013 - worked as an assistant at the department of technologies of processing and food production of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
2013-2015 - worked as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Technologies for Food Processing and Food Production, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
2015 - defended his dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.18.16 "Food Technology" on the topic "Technology of the product of cottage cheese with the use of vegetable filler emulsion type"
2015-2018 - worked as an associate professor of Food Technology Department of Sumy National Agrarian University
2018 - currently works as a Senior Lecturer in the Food Technology Department at Sumy National Agrarian University
Major subjects: "Theoretical foundations of food production", "Technology of polysaccharides and their application in the food industry", "Methods of food control", "Research work" (in Ukrainian), "Research work" (in English)
Areas of research: Scientific bases and practical aspects of creation of biodegradable packaging technologies for food; development of technologies of dried semi-finished products from organic vegetable and fruit and berry raw materials and their use in the composition of food products; use of insect meal in the diet
Grant, state budget and contracting topics:
“Development of technology of organic dried vegetable and fruit and berry semi-finished products and energy efficient installation using solar panels” (2017-2020, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);
"Improvement of technologies of sausage products with adjustable structural and mechanical properties" (2017-2018, LLC "Globinsky meat processing plant")
FoodBIOPack Grant - Innovative Biodegradable Packaging Technologies (2018-2019, Carlsberg Ukraine PJSC)
Advanced training (internship):
"Improvement of technologies of sausage products with adjustable structural and mechanical properties" (02.07.2018-13.07.2018, Globine, Poltava region)
FoodBIOPack Project (Packbridge Challenge 05/29/2018-02/06/2018, Top Packaging Summit, Startup Final 20.09.2018-21.09.2018, Malmo, Sweden; University Startup World Cup, 08.10.2018-12.10.2018, m. Copenhagen, Denmark)
Projects "Development of technology of organic dried vegetable and fruit and berry semi-finished products and energy efficient installation using solar panels", "FoodBIOPack" (14.11.2018-15.11.2018, Nordic Organic Food Fair, Malmo, Sweden)
Other information: Head of Research Laboratory for Innovative Food Technologies