Bidiuk Dmytro Olehovych

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Food Technology Candidate of Technical Sciences e-mail:, Research ID ORSID Scopus ID CV Google Scholar He was born on December 6, 1985 in Kharkiv, Ukraine 2002-2007 – study at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade, specialty “Food Technology”, diploma with honors 2007-2010 – postgraduate studies at Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade, specialty “Food Technology” 2010-2013 – worked as an assistant at the Department of Technology of Processing and Food Production, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasilenko 2013-2015 – worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Technology of Processing and Food Production, Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasilenko 2015 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.18.16 “Food technology” on “Technology of cottage cheese product using vegetable filler emulsion type” 2015-2018 – worked as an associate professor of food technology at Sumy National Agrarian University 2018 – currently works as a senior lecturer at the Department of Food Technology, Sumy National Agrarian University Main disciplines: “Theoretical foundations of food production”, “Technology of polysaccharides and their application in the food industry”, “Methods of food control”, “Research work” (in Ukrainian), “Research work” (English work) Areas of research: Scientific bases and practical aspects of creating technologies of biodegradable packaging for food products; development of technologies of dried semi-finished products from organic vegetable and fruit raw materials and their use in food products; use of insect meal in food Grant, state budget and economic contract topics: DBT “Development of technology of organic dried vegetable and fruit and berry semi-finished products and energy efficient installation using solar panels” (2017-2020, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine); GDT “Improvement of technologies of sausages with adjustable structural and mechanical properties” (2017-2018, LLC “Globinsky meat-packing plant”) Grant “FoodBIOPack – innovative technologies of biodegradable packaging” (2018-2019, PJSC “Carlsberg Ukraine”) Advanced training (internship): GDT “Improvement of technologies of sausages with adjustable structural and mechanical properties” (02.07.2018-13.07.2018, Globyne, Poltava region) FoodBIOPack project (Packbridge Challenge 29.05.2018-02.06.2018, Top Packaging Summit, Startup Final 20.09.2018-21.09.2018, Malmö, Sweden; University Startup World Cup, 08.10.2018-12.10.2018, m. Copenhagen, Denmark) Projects “Development of technology of organic dried vegetable and fruit and berry semi-finished products and energy efficient installation using solar panels”, “FoodBIOPack” (14.11.2018-15.11.2018, Nordic Organic Food Fair, Malmö, Sweden) Other information: Head of Research Laboratory “Innovative Food Technologies”