- Biochemistry (ukr)
- General technologies of the food industry (ukr)
- Microbiology of food products (ukr)
- Research work of students (ukr)
- Basics of physiology and food hygiene (ukr)
- Processes and devices of food production (ukr)
- Standardization, metrology, certification and quality management of food products (ukr)
- Standardization, certification and quality management of food products and restaurant services (ukr)
- Technologies of milk and dairy products (ukr)
- Technologies of plant raw materials processing (ukr)
- Technology of water, non-alcoholic, low-alcohol and alcoholic beverages (ukr)
- Technology of meat, meat products and fish (ukr)
- Microbiology of food products (ukr)
- Scientific research work (ukr)
- Technologies of plant raw materials processing (ukr)
- Theoretical foundations of food production (correspondence, shortened term) (ukr)
- Theoretical foundations of food production (ukr)
- Food control methods (ukr)
- Basics of physiology and food hygiene (ukr)
- Technological equipment of food production and restaurant establishments with the basics of automation (ukr)
- Technological equipment of food production and restaurant establishments with the basics of automation (ukr)
- Technological equipment of food industries (ukr)
- General technologies of the food industry (with a course project), including food technologies (ukr)
- Hygiene and sanitation of hotel and restaurant facilities (ukr)
- Design of food enterprises and restaurant establishments (ukr)