Associate professor of the department of food technology and safety, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
E-mail: natalia.bolhova@snau.edu.ua
Scopus-Author ID: 57217302672
ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0201-0769
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In 2003 has graduated from Sumy National Agrarian University. In the same year has entered the graduate education on 06.02.01 - breeding and selection of animals, which graduated in 2006.
In 2009 has defended dissertation on the topic: "Selection and genetic evaluation of intermediate genotypes of the Ukrainian brown dairy breed, which is being created" for the specialty 06.02.01 - breeding and selection of animals. Scientific supervisor - Larysa V. Bondarchuk, Associate professor, Candidate of agricultural sciences.
Since 2006 has worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Milk and Meat Technology.
Associate Professor of Milk and Meat Technology, Certificate 12 DC №044361 from 09/29/2015.
Main disciplines: "Technologies of food industry", "Technologies of milk and dairy products".
Advanced training (internship): Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National University of Food Technologies, certificate, series AB №02070938 / 01819-21, topic "Internal Auditor of Food Safety Systems".
Areas of research: scientific and practical bases of production of dairy products of functional direction, safety indicators.
Economic contract topics: "Implementation of the HACCP system at the enterprise".