Specialty 181 “Food Technologies” takes a leading place among other specialties of the agrarian profile. Specialists of the specialty play an important role in the management system of production enterprises at all levels of the national economy of Ukraine. In the conditions of a market economy and strict economy of energy resources, their importance is growing, and the requirements for their preparation in terms of quantity and quality are increasing.
The material and technical base of the faculty consists of 3 modern educational laboratories: production operation, course and diploma design, technical operation, machine diagnostics.
Graduate departments provide teaching of disciplines in all courses of full-time and part-time education of students, diploma design, writing of master’s theses is conducted. The department pays special attention to improving the content and methods of teaching students, methodological support of the educational process. All types of classes on the study of disciplines taught at the department are equipped with educational and methodical complexes, methodical instructions, textbooks and manuals. The teaching staff of the department takes an active part in writing and publishing monographs, textbooks and teaching aids on the disciplines taught at the department.
The faculty introduces the most modern types of educational classes, lectures, practical, seminar classes, analysis of specific situations, round tables, Olympiads, internships, control, course and diploma projects (works), educational and industrial practices, etc. In addition to mandatory classroom attendance, the learning technology includes independent work by students, organized individual learning activities with a teacher, passing exams and tests in accordance with the curriculum. For this purpose, the department has prepared electronic courses for distance learning of students without breaking away from educational, technological or industrial practices.
The deepening of knowledge in all subjects with the help of self-training is stimulated by various forms of current and final control.
Faculty teachers are focused on a combination of self-control, computer control, and expert control. Training sessions are held in accordance with the schedule. To determine the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of students, current knowledge control is carried out using modern control methods, including testing. A modular knowledge control system is implemented and used at the department. Active consolidation of educational material is carried out by: using automated learning systems; examination of specific situations from the disciplines; testing, including computer testing; carrying out control, modular works; individual reception of completed tasks; independent work of students using computer technologies.
The specified forms of active learning are materially provided with task packages and application programs.
In order to control the level of theoretical and practical training of students during their studies, knowledge and skills are measured at different levels:
– current control of knowledge (seminars, practical classes, rating control, modular control, individual work);
– final control of knowledge (credits, exams, control of residual knowledge);
– assessment of the level of compliance with qualification requirements.
The “Food Technologies” specialty includes three educational programs:
- EP “Food Technologies”;
- EP “Craft technologies and gastronomic innovations”;
- EP “Food safety and quality”.
Food Technology Specialization
Training of specialists in the specialty 181 “Food Technologies” is carried out in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series AE № 636493 from 19.06.2015, the certificate of accreditation for the IV level of the series ND-II №1940624 from 06.09.2010.
The staff of the department includes: Professors Percevоi F.V., Shilman L.Z., Mazurenko I.K., Associate Professors Dimitrievich L.R., Melnyk O.Y., Stepanova T.M., Senior Lecturers Bidiuk D.O. , Marenkova T.I., Assistant Koshel O.Y., Master of Industrial Training Sereda O.G., Senior Laboratory Assistants Chuiko O.V., Konoplya Y.A/
The department cooperates with various establishments of restaurant business, PJSC “Kharkov Biscuit”, group of companies “Globino”.
Teachers of the department actively participate in international conferences and seminars and undergo advanced training at the best food processing enterprises in Ukraine.
ЕP “Craft technologies and gastronomic innovations”
ЕP “Food safety and quality”