Helikh Anna Oleksandrivna

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology and Safety

E-mail: anna.helikh@snau.edu.ua/gelihsumy@gmail.com

Researcher ID: V-7155-2018

ORCID: 0000-0003-3769-1231

Scopus ID: 57190441268

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=b8M2VhcAAAAJ

CV Gelikh

  1. ‑ food sustainability of the population, which consists in the use of organic, local and seasonal food products;
  2. ‑ technology of innovative semi-finished products from vegetables, animal husbandry and aquaculture products;
  3. ‑ dietary food and culinary products based on innovative semi-finished products:
  4. - minced meat products, sausage products, fermented dried sausages;
  5. - confectionery, biscuits, cookies;
  6. - dairy products, yogurts;
  7. - preserved products, canned food;
  8. - dual purpose products.
  9. Has 64 scientific works to reflect the results of scientific research, including:
  10. 33 articles in professional publications included in international scientometric databases;
  11. ‑ 12 in periodicals included in the international scientometric database Scopus;
  12. 6 in periodicals included in the international scientometric database Web of Science (SCI);
  13. 2 monographs;
  14. 14 Ukrainian patents for utility models;
  15. 1 invention patent of Ukraine;
  16. 5 TS (technical specifications of Ukraine).
  17. Has a B2 English proficiency certificate (№000522016, April 2019).

  1. SB "Development of technical documentation for dual purpose protein raw materials", 0122U201388, 2022-2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  2. SB "Development of technical documentation for semi-finished products from vegetable raw materials with increased biological value for dual purposes", 0122U201635, 2022-2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  3. SB "Development of technical documentation for a semi-finished product from vegetable raw materials for dual-use minced meat products", 0122U202024, 2022-2023, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  4. SB "Innovative technological solutions in food production", №0119U101237, 2019-2024, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  5. SB "Technology semi-finished product from mollusks freshwater and culinary products from it use 2015-2017, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  6. SB "Comprehensive and waste‑free processing aquatic organisms freshwater reservoirs", 2016-2018, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  7. ECT "Consulting on the development of technical documentation for a new type of raw material"
  8. ECT "Creation of conditions for the organization of safe food in educational institutions of the Nikolaev village"
  9. ECT "Consulting and support of mechanisms of development of the Nikolaev territorial community within the limits of implementation of strategy of regional development of the Sumy region for 2021-2027"
  10. ECT "Development of a four-week seasonal menu in accordance with the new diet"