Address of the selection committee: st. Gerasima Kondratieva, 160, m. Sumy, 40021, Ukraine
Phone (PBX manager): (0542) 62-78-16, (0542) 78-74-22, (0542) 78-74-21
City phone: (0542) 62-78-17
Internal telephone: 126
Mobile phone: 0501639055

More information here

General documents

1. Admission to the master’s degree, registration for the external examination of masters

2. Application form for the examination sheet

3. How to properly prepare an application form for registration on the EMI and EPI

MASTER 181 for foreigners –  Program of entrance examinations for persons entering the Master educational degree on the specialty 181 “Food Technologies”

Bachelor – Program of entrance exam foreigners entering the Bachelor degree of higher education on the basis of complete secondary education (the english language)

Master – Program of entrance exam in the language of instruction (english) for international applicants (higher education level – Master)