Публікації в міжнародних науковометричних базах Scopus та Web of Science

Публікації в міжнародних науковометричних базах Scopus та Web of Science


  1. Nazarenko Y., Ladyka V., Opara V., Pavlenko Y. Determining the influence of the composition of milk from cows of different breeds on quality indicators for the dutch-type cheese / Y. Nazarenko, V. Ladyka, V. Opara, Y.Pavlenko // Technology and equipment of food production. – 2019. – № 1/11(97) –P. 23–33.
  2. Bozhko N., Tischenko V., Pasichnyi V., Marynin A., Polumbryk M. Аnalysis of the influence of rosemary and grape seed extracts on oxidation the lipids of Рeking duck meat. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 4/11 (88), 2017. Р. 4-9. (Scopus).
  3. Bozhko N., Tischenko V.,, Baidak L., Pasichnyi V. Evaluation of rosemary extract effectiveness in the technology of meat-containing sausages with duck meat. Ukrainian Food Journal. 2018. V. 7. Issue 1. 54-64. (Web of Science).
  4. Bozhko N., Tischenko V., Pasichnyi V., Polumbryk M., Haschuk O. Development of meat-containing semi-finished products on the basis of regional raw production. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies.-4/11(94) 2018. Р. 41-54. (Scopus).
  5. Pasichnyi V., Bozhko N., Tischenko V., Kotliar Ye. 2018. Development of cooked smoked sausage on the basis of Muscovy duck meat. //Food science and technology. Vol. 12, Issue 4. P. 102-109.  (Web of Science).
  6. Bozhko N.V., Pasichnyi V., Tischenko V., Svyatnenko R. (2019). Effectiveness of natural plant extracts in the technology of combined meatcontaining breads. Ukrainian food journal. Vol.8, Issue 3. 522-532. (Web of Science) https://doi.org/10.24263/2304-974x-2019-8-3-9
  7. Bozhko N., Tischenko V., Pasichnyi V., Moroz O. (2019). Research of nutritional and biological value of the semi smoked meatcontaining sausage. Food science and technology. 13(4):96-103. (Web of Science).
  8. Bozhko N., Tischenko V., Pasichnyi V., Matsuk Y. Analysis of the possibility of fish and meat raw materials combination in products. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, vol. 14, 2020, p. 647-655. https://doi.org/10.5219/1372. (Scopus).
  9. Bozhko N., Pasichnyi V., Marynin A., Tischenko V., Strashynskyi I., Kyselov O. The efficiency of stabilizing the oxidative spoilage of meat-containing products with a balanced fat-acid composition. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 3/11 (105), 2020. 38-45. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2020.205201. (Scopus).
  10. Samilyk М. Influence of the structure of some types of fillers introduced to the yogurt recipe on changes in its rheological indicators / Samilyk, А.Helikh,  Т. Ryzhkova, N. Bolgova, Y. Nazarenko // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2/11 ( 104 ) 2020. – 46-51 р. ISSN 1729-3774. (Scopus).
  11. 11. Samilyk M. The application of osmotic dehydration in the technology of producing candied root vegetables / Samilyk, A. Helikh, N. Bolgova, V. Potapov, S. Sabadash // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2020. – № 3(11). – С. 13-20. – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2020_3(11)__3.(Scopus).
  12. Samilyk, M., Lukash, S., Bolgova, N., Helikh, A., Maslak, N., Maslak, O. Advances in Food Processing based on Sustainable Bioeconomy. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. 1105-1113, aug. 2020. ISSN 2068-7729.URL:https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jemt/article/view/5461. doi: https://doi.org/10.14505//jemt.v11.5(45).08. (Scopus).
  13. Samilyk, M.,. Radiomodifying Effect of X-Ray Radiation on Microflora of Yogurts with Ultradisperse Powders of Beta vulgaris / Maryna M. Samilyk, Anna O. Gelih, Oksana V. Kalinkevich, Natalia V. Bolgova, Igor V. Shelest, Yana V. Trofimenko, Yevgen Zinchenko, Vadim Chivanov, Aleksei Kalinkevich //  2021 IEEE 10th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP). ISBN:978-1-7281-8506-4. DOI: 10.1109/NAP51477.2020.9309550 (Scopus).
  14. Геліх А.О. Дослідження амінокислотного складу білків двостулкових прісноводних молюсків роду Anodonta півночі України / А.О. Геліх, Т.М. Головко // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 5/11 ( 77 ) 2015. – 10-16 (Web of Science).
  15. Геліх А.О. Оптимізація рецептурного складу фаршевих виробів на основі молюсків роду Anodonta по критерію харчової збалансованості за основними поживними речовинами/ А.О. Геліх, Т.М. Головко // Food science and technologies. Odessa.  Technologies. 4/12 ( 77 ) 2018. – 86-94.(Web of Science).
  16. Helikh А. Scientific rationale of the technology of pastes based on freshwater hydrobionts and enriched with selenium / Holovko T, Helikh А, Holovko M, Prymenko V, Zherebkin M.  Food Science and 2020;14(1):110-117.(Web of Science).
  17. Tsykhanovska Iryna, Shmatkov Daniyil, Evlash Victoria, Koshova Olena, Bielikova Nadiia, Bolgova Natalia. Preclinical testing of the double iron oxide-based health supplement. Journal of Sport and Health Research. Vol. 3: Р.5-19. (Scopus).
  18. Cui Zhenkun, Manoli Т, Nikitchina Т, Mo Haizhen. Trends in the manufacture of processed squid products. Food science and technology. 2020;14(1):89-97. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15673/fst.v14i1.1650 (Web of science).
  19. Guo, L. Effects of maternal vitamin D3 concentration during pregnancy on adipogenic genes expression and serum biochemical index / Miao, Z., Melnychuk, S., Ma, H., // Journal of Animal and Feed Science, 2020. 29(2): P. 125-131. (SCI) (Scopus).
  20. Guo, LP. Effects of maternal vitamin D(3)during pregnancy on FASN and LIPE mRNA expression in offspring pigs./ Miao, ZG., Ma, HJ., Melnychuk, S.//  Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020. 158(1-2): P. 128-135. (SCI). (Scopus).
  21. Guo. Effects of maternal vitamin D3 on quality and water distribution in pork of offspring pigs during frozen storage / S. Melnychuk Z. Miao and H. Ma. // Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 29, 2020, P. 323–330 https://doi.org/10.22358/jafs/130781/2020. The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jabłonna. (Scopus).
  22. Synenko T., Bezusov A., Dubova H. Research on flavor precursors of whey in the technology of flavored foam / T. Synenko, A. Bezusov, H.  Dubova // Food Science and Technology. – 2020. – Vol. 14, no.1 – Р. 70-80.(Web of science).
  23. Bozhko, N., Tischenko, V., Pasichnyi, V., Shubina, Y., Kyselov, O., Marynin, A., & Strashynskyi, I. (2021). The quality characteristics of sausage prepared from different ratios of fish and duck meat. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 15, 26–32. https://doi.org/10.5219/1482. (Scopus).