Публікації у періодичних наукових виданнях, що включені до наукометричних баз, зокрема Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection
- Samilyk, M., Illiashenko, Y., Rudichenko, Y., Yevtushenko, Y., Huba, S., Tkachuk, S., Ryzhkova, T., Heіda I., Lysenko, H., & Severin, R. (2024). Determination of the antioxidant potential of processing products of osmotically dehydrated chokeberry fruits and beer enriched with them. EEJET, 2(11 (128), 26–33. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.301159 (Scopus)
- Samilyk, M., Bolgova, N., Samokhina, E., Cherniavska, T., & Kharchenko, S. (2024). Use of hop extract in the biotechnology of kefir beverage. Scientific Horizons, 27(3), 97-106. doi: 10.48077/scihor3.2024.97. (Scopus)
- Samilyk, M., Tkachuk, M., Paska, M., Ryzhkova, T., Tkachuk, S., Petrenko, A., Hrinchenko, D., Gurskyi, P., Savchuk, L., & Yarmosh, T. (2024). Substantiating the feasibility of processing the secondary product obtained after osmotic dehydration of dried apricots. EEJET, 4(11 (130), 36–42. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.309658 (Scopus)
- Samilyk, M., Nosyk, M., Ryzhkova, T., Bolhova, N., Tkachuk, S., Sakhnenko, A., Petrenko, A., Hrinchenko, D., Hnoievyі, I. (2024). Determining the possibility of making mulberry wine by using the osmotic dehydration process. EEJET, 3 (11 (129)), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.306443 (Scopus)
- Ladyka V. Justification of the feasibility of using A2 milk in the production of some dairy products. Food production: innovative technological solutionsр: Scientific monograph / V. Ladyka, M. Samilyk, T. Synenko, N. Bolgova, V. Vechorka, Y. Nazarenko. – Technology center PC, 2024. – 33-63. DOI: 10.15587/978-617-7319-99-2.CH2. (Scopus).
- Samilyk, М., Nahornyi, Y., Tkachuk, S., Ryzhkova Т., Gurskyi, Р., Savchuk, L., Petrenko, А., Hrinchenko, D. (2024). Improving the technology of gluten-free bread with quinoa flour. EEJET, 5(131) (Scopus).
7.Bozhko N., Tischenko V., Stepanova T. (2024). Development of meat-containing semi-finished products with pike meat and hemp seed protein. Journal of Chemistry and Technologies, 32(1), 198-209. https://doi.org/10.15421/jchemtech.v32i1.296208 (Scopus)
- Pasichnyi, V., Shevchenko, O., Tischenko, V., Bozhko, N., Marynin, A., Strashynskyi, I., & Matsuk, Y. (2024). Substantiating the feasibility of using hemp seed protein in cooked sausage technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11 (130), 56–66. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.310668 (Scopus).
- Liu, Y., Helikh, A.O., Filon, A.M., Duan, Z.-H., Ren, A.-Q.. (2024). Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef.) pretreated by freeze-thaw: influence of drying methods on the quality characteristics. CYTA-Journal of Food, 22(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/19476337.2023.2295421 (Scopus).
- Ladyka, V., Bolhova, N., Huba, S., Sokolenko, V., & Skliarenko, Yu. (2024). Investigation of the influence of milk protein genotype on the process of fermentation of milk curds by mesophilic lactic acid streptococci. Scientific Horizons, 27(8), 113-121. https://doi.org/10.48077/scihor8.2024.113 (Scopus).
- Odintsov, S., Nazarenko, Y., Synenko, T., & Huba, S. (2024). Determining the influence of hemp seed protein on the quality indicators of cheese product and the content of nutrients in it. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11 (128), 6–12. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.300172 (Scopus).
- Puryhin, I., Nazarenko J., Synenko T., Bolgova N., & Borozenets N. (2024) The effect of milk whey and sublimated pear on the biological value of soft cheese. Journal of chemistry and technologies, 32(2), 382−390. doi: https://doi.org/10.15421/jchemtech.v32i2.296625 (Scopus).